“As each one has received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace."
1 Peter 4:10
Generous giving is fundamental to our faith tradition. Throughout sacred scripture God calls us to be giving people giving and sharing our “first fruits”, a fair percent of our income. Today Offertory collections are our primary means of support. Your generous giving helps to support our many ministries and programs i.e. faith formation for all ages, , our school, music program, junior and high school teen programs, outreaches in our community and as far away as El Salvador, RCIA, etc.
Each year our members renew giving intentions during our Annual Appeal held in October. In thanksgiving for God’s many gifts. Please prayerfully consider your generous gift to the Offertory in proportion to your income. Your pledge can be made in two convenient ways: by clicking on: a) Pledge Form below or b) the Online Giving button and making your RECURRING gift through Faith Direct. Thank you for your faithful stewardship!
If you do not already share with the parish regularly, we invite you to begin today. Thanks for your consideration.