Activity Days/Time: Third Tuesday of each month, with prep time the day before if needed.
We leave Good Shepherd at 8:30 a.m. for the Wilhelmina Gill Center at 645 Nebraska Ave, KC,K., returning to Good Shepherd at 1:00 p.m.
The menu served varies and is usually prepared for 300-350 patrons.
Commodity program through the WG Center are picked up the first Monday of the month, as this offers the opportunity to purchase large quantities of meat/juice; donations from Hen House and Panera (87th and Lackman) are picked up the day prior to serving; food and supplies are packed in pick-up trucks and the meal is finished prepping at the Center’s kitchen and served cafeteria style. Clean up takes place and we head back to Good Shepherd!
This effort takes 25-30 great volunteers each month.
In addition, there are volunteers who wash towels and aprons; many who support by donating cans of fruit, vegetables; monetary donations; and the many who pray for the need to Feed the Hungry.
Marcia Mielke,, 913-638-9673
Ruth Owens,, 913-972-7209(c), 913-492-7250(h)