Normally the third weekend of every month. During the coronavirus epidemic, food collections have been only on Saturdays or Sundays, announced weeks ahead of the event.
Each month, parishioners are invited to donate specific food items in support of the Catholic Charities Food Pantry. Donated food can either be placed in the Outreach closet in the narthex or can be placed in the Catholic Charities Food Truck located on the patio at the east entrance of the curch. Information about the specific food items needed is communicated via parish bulletin, website and Flocknotes. Monetary donations are welcomed as well.
Al items donated are taken to the Catholic Charities Hope Distribution Cenber to be sorted and delivered to local food pantries and various community agencies in northeast Kansas. Parishioners are also offered the opportunity help load the food into the truck.
Contact: Tom Tritsch,, 618-604-4083