Fr. Kent has been the pastor of Good Shepherd since July 2018. He was ordained a priest in 2003. Previously he was the pastor of Our Lady of Unity in Kansas City, KS (2009-2018), pastor at Sacred Heart, Sabetha, St. Augustine, Fidelity, and St. James, Wetmore (2007-2009), associate pastor at Curé of Ars, Leawood (2003-2007), and chaplain at Bishop Miege High School (2003-2007). He attended Mundelein Seminary in Chicago from 1998-2003. His college degree is from the University of Kansas where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Dance in 1997.
Fr. Kent's hobbies include writing, recording, and playing music and playing tabletop board games. He has a website where he shares some of these hobbies at